Legal Notice

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Legal information. Web Manager 

The access and use of the Web ( attribute the condition of User, which involves adherence to this Legal Notice in the version published at the time of its access. If you do not agree, you must refrain from accessing the Website or using the services provided through it.

This Legal Notice is ruled by the principles of legality and good faith. The User commits to use the Website, as well as the information or services provided, in accordance with the law, morality, good customs and public order. The unauthorized use of the information contained in this website, its resale, as well as the infringement of third parties´ rights, will arise legal responsibilities.

Especially, we recommend that you pay attention and read our policies related to the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, as well as the General Conditions of Contract, in the event that you have made a purchase in our website. The access to certain content, products and/or services offered through the Website may be subject to certain specific conditions that, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, prior to accessing and/or using said content, products and/or services, the User must also carefully read the corresponding particular conditions. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of this Legal Notice and the particular conditions of each specific service or product, the provisions of the latter shall prevail.

WBC is not responsible for the misuse or misappropriation of the content or information published on the Website. The User acknowledges and accepts that all information and/or content accessed through the Website is for their sole and exclusive personal and non-transferable use. The transfer to third parties, of any type and form, of all or part, of the information and/or content to which the User may have access through the Web, is prohibited.

In compliance with the provisions of the Information Society Services Law and the General Data Protection Regulation, the User authorizes WBC to send, by email or through any other similar means, advertising information related to the activity of WBC, based on weighted legitimate interest. 

Industrial / Intellectual Property

The domains of the Website belong to WBC. This Website incorporates trademarks, logos, images, designs, slogans, texts, and other content whose rights belong to WBC or has the corresponding license of use. The User expressly acknowledges this ownership and understands that they do not acquire any right over them, nor can they modify or make use of them. All these contents, without the express written consent signed by their owners, will be of unauthorized use. The User is not authorized to use, on any other website, the trademarks of WBC.

In the event that the User accesses and/or downloads any content and/or element that is available through the Website, as well as any of the applications available for this purpose, they will not have any rights over them, as WBC only authorizes personal and non-transferable use and retains all rights over them. Any act of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transfer, or transformation, as well as any other form of total or partial exploitation of said content or elements, carried out in any form or by any means, will require prior written consent from WBC, or where appropriate, from its owner.

The access and navigation through the Website in any case will be understood as a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of the rights indicated above, where appropriate, of the owner rights to which they correspond. 

Unauthorized use

The User accepts not to use the Website and its contents for illegal purposes or activities, or against moral or good customs: they will not have the right to modify any of the materials included in the Website; likewise, the User will not be able to copy, distribute, transmit, present, carry out, or in general, reproduce in any way, publish, authorize or create any work based on the information or content incorporated in the Website.


The Website may contain some typographical errors. We reserve the right to modify the content of the Website without prior notice.


For better features of the Web, it is possible that links to third parties may be inserted, for which our Legal Notice and Privacy Policy are not applicable and that are beyond the control of WBC. Thus, these sites must have their own independent Privacy Policy and Legal Notice and although we try to protect the integrity of our site, WBC cannot be responsible, nor can it be considered as such, for the content and activities of these sites. Your visit or access to these sites is, therefore, your responsibility.

Privacy and Cookie Policy

To learn more about our Privacy and Cookie Policy, access our Privacy Policy and/or our Cookies Policy in the following link: |

General Conditions of Contract

In the event that the User purchases any of the products offered on the Website, the General Conditions of Contract will apply, which are available in the following link:

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

This Legal Notice is governed by the Republic of Panama laws. In case the applicable legislation establishes otherwise, the User agrees to be subjected to the Courts and Tribunals of Panama city, Republic of Panama, expressly waiving the parties to any other jurisdiction, including a jurisdiction which may correspond due to address and/or nationality.